Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 21, 2011: The end of the world

Today, is May 28, 2011 and Harold Camping founder and general manager of Family Radio, predicted the everlasting destruction of the end of the world on Saturday May 21st at 6PM. Well... I am still here and so is everyone else.


Many are saying this is just another phony. In a yahoo forum, one user suggests that he may have a mental problem. This man truly thinks of himself as a "prophet" who has figured out the secret code of the bible. If someone believed that, I am sure they would find something to write about. On the other hand, maybe this is all just a big money making scheme.

Acronym from

In a forum David wrote:
Let ME make a prediction: Nothing will happen on May 21. But then Harold Camping will have a big problem, as will his followers. I predict that they will say that THEY averted this disaster with their prayer and righteousness, and that God has simply DELAYED it. This will enable Camping to keep on the air, and it will give him fodder to do this all over again soon. It will have to be soon because he is pushing 90 years old.

I think David said it best. Furthermore, these phony prophets need to go to jail.

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